However, this might be a good time to post some previously unpublished photographs of the event, just so that everyone who missed the occasion (mainly due to the European Football Final clashing with the meeting where everything was arranged) can see exactly what they’ve missed out on. (A crash course in how to end sentences with two prepositions, apparently.)

Let’s kick off with the photograph above showing (left to right) Chris Clayton, myself and David Ratledge. To be honest I’ve no idea what’s going on in this scene (or even when/why it was taken…although I do know that Joolz took it) but we appear to be attempting to pacify a spooked dumpy level. It was a hot day, this particular dumpy had been borrowed from the museum and is of great antiquity, and some of these older models can turn quite feral when they’re left out in the sun for too long. (Actually, Chris looks as though he’s performing the ‘sand dance’.)
Next up, below, again from left to right, Gary Thornton, Chris Clayton, David Ratledge and Ed Shone demonstrate the correct way to stand around a trench whilst the polish immigrant (out of sight at the bottom of the hole) does all the hard graft. Or something like that anyhow. It’s probably more likely a ‘rest and re-evaluation’ moment.
Thirdly, we mustn’t forget the female contingent, on this occasion represented by Joolz who, judging by the drawing frame, was about to create a diagram of the hedge. Note the can of Castle Maine Four Ecks (possibly Dandelion & Burdock) in one hand and the fag in the other. Joolz is sporting the latest Indiana Jones look with pigtails.

As for how the excavation actually went and the results we obtained, there’ll probably be a full report appearing on this board as soon as I’ve compiled one.

I don't remember it being taken, but I do remember what was going on in the first photograph. The line I am pointing down is where we believe the western ditch will be. I will be saying something like: "You can see that the grass along this alignment is longer and a different colour."
Oh and by the way, I only ever do the Sand Dance at that time of the morning when I am still drunk from the night before :-)
"Wyre Archaeology Does High Gate Lane"
Very interesting I'm sure but not a patch on "Debbie Does Dallas."
... and only marginally more interesting than "The Mucking Of Geordie's Byre".
Show me yer divots!
That still doesn't explain why I look as though I'm about to throttle that dumpy.
It might not be a patch on 'Debbie Does Dallas', but at least the trench wasn't as big.
I hope it is a roman road.
Mr. Beast,
You'll have to return for the next thrilling instalment to find out.
is that your rugby shirt from when you played for St.Custards?
That'll teach me for not reading the forum more often!
Well done with the hard yakka in such hot weather :)
Is that yellow clay that really sticky stuff that refuses to release it's hold on anything?
Love your attempt at a 'Mick Aston' pullover and no your a*se does not look big in it.
Annie and Witchy,
Michelle buys all my clothes for me because, apparently, I don't know how. As a result, most of my 'summer wear' bears more than a passing resemblance to pyjama tops. I think it's her attempt to disguise my spare tyre. (Better make that 'spare inflatable jugganaut innertube.)
The forum's the place to be for all the latest stuff. And yes, that yellow clay is a real bugger. I could feel the shovel blade bending the other day. We're supposed to be disecting it, straight down, this Saturday. That should be fun. We'll be posting the medical reports as soon as we've finished.
I shall be keeping a closer eyeball on the forum then ;)
Ahhh, I always thought the Roman Empire would have been around today if they'd only harnessed the power of The Yellow Sticky Muck!
"if they'd only harnessed the power of The Yellow Sticky Muck!"
They did.
Lurcio, Voluptua, Prosperus Maximus, Scrubba and Erotica all had a hand in it.
Haven't you seen that seminal documentary, "Up Pompeii" jayne?
I'm with Sedgwick on this one Jayne, I've tasted Italian cuisine and all that pasta's enough to make Frankie Howard feel Nausious. (Oh no Madam...Frankie made a play on, titter ye not!)
Gawd...I've walked into a Carry On film set....
But the question is....
Did Nausious like Frankie Howard feeling him or was it Babs Windsor's passing wine jugs he preferred :P
Babs didn't have wine jugs. She was packing jeroboams.
Oooooh! What a greedy bugger!
They'll be up all night with that lot ;)
What's Jeremy Bowen got to do with this?
Thankfully, I have not the slightest idea what you lot are on... about....
The cream of British culture, that's what. (Wipes tear from eye.) It makes me proud, it really does.
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