Saturday, December 08, 2007

Seets i' Blackpool: Part Four

Reet...last one o' these postin's f'rtwile. Wiv reeched th'end oft' chapper, an' thart seems un proper fettler pleece tai stop. Besides, Ay 'aven't scanned no more in. If thee wants sum mooar thun thay'll after ask us neece an' polite like an' Ay meet consider eet. If tha doesunt then kip tha big gob shut. Arh've gorra notion witch one eet's gonna be an awl...


Ozfemme said...

That were grand, Mr Hughes. Thanks ever so much.

Brian Hughes said...

Nae' problem Wur Lass. If as feel up to eet a' sum point, al scan another chapper in f' thee, altho arh wuddent 'spect nowt afore Chris'mus mund. Chrissmus two thussund an' tin that is.

JahTeh said...

You know Fleetwood, you've totally ruined Time Team for me. Last night Mick was wearing not only the striped jumper but a striped noddy hat jammed on his head which made his hair stick out like a demented elf.

Brian Hughes said...


Yes...I always enjoy those episodes where he stands with his back to the sun and looks like an extremely fat dandilion clock.